Sep 16Liked by Sarah Montalbano

I wonder if this affects ranchers with gazing rights through BLM? I forgot: eliminate grazing rights and you eliminate beef to save the climate! Better to send money to China for solar panels.

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Haha! It will. Also looking forward to seeing how this interacts with the BLM's new conservation and mitigation leases, which conflicts with their "multiple-use and sustained yield" mission and has elevated a non-use over other purposes. Mitigation leases in particular may be used by solar and wind developers to "mitigate" their harms by renting lands to "set aside" elsewhere.

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Democratic party of freedom wants CAGW denial to be a crime (Walz).

Real criminals are the bellicose, screeching, fearmongers and their bogus GHE.

Believe = religion

Think = opinion

Know = science

Here’s what I know.


Water vapor, clouds, ice, snow create 30% albedo which makes the Earth cooler not warmer.

W/o GHE there is no water and Earth goes lunarific, a barren rock ball, 400 K lit side, 100 K dark refuting a warming GHE.

“TFK_bams09” GHE heat balance graphic and ubiquitous clones don’t balance plus violate LoT.

Kinetic heat transfer processes of contiguous atmospheric molecules render a surface black body and it’s “extra” upwelling GHE energy impossible.

GHE is bogus and CAGW a scam so alarmists must resort to fear mongering, lies, lawsuits, censorship and violence.

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Great post, Sarah. I am a mechanical engineer who designs products to work with solar panels charging batteries. This is all these toxic panels are good for: charging toxic batteries. For only about six hours per day. They are a complete toxic waste with a cost/benefit = infinity.

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Absolutely, thank you for your expertise!

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The title image of this article just makes you want to run out and buy a few https://highprops.medium.com/chinas-solar-panel-farm-on-top-of-mount-taihang-cefe48c64442

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Doesn't it? Personally, I would *love* if the American West was covered with them just like that. (Not!).

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