May 30Liked by Sarah Montalbano

In other words another subsidy via more Federal control and power. It appears at every turn the solutions to the issues-created by them in the first place-is more Federal power-central-instead of state people-the people. When will we learn?

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I wish I knew!

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Jun 2Liked by Sarah Montalbano

FERC needs a return to its more balanced, light-handed management style.

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Jun 1Liked by Sarah Montalbano

Order 1920 is going to cause a lot of headaches, not to mention risk the reliability of the grid system. If you're interested in this topic, check out my article on FERC and regulatory politicization here: https://thejoulethief.substack.com/p/ferc-in-around

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An excellent piece! Thanks for sharing.

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From where (what law) is the FERC's authority to do all this derived? Who has the authority to stop this?

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FERC is an independent regulatory agency created in 1977. It's technically part of the Department of Energy, and rules can be challenged and reviewed, but the only real oversight occurs with the appointment and confirmation of FERC commissioners.

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Thanks. I think that agencies like this need to be abolished.

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